
Saturday, November 15, 2008

This Time of Year....

I love this time of the year. When the weather starts turning cooler and then colder and we start up the big wood stove for the first time and the house gets that cozy warm feeling. I love the colorful trees and the leaves that cover the ground in a plethora of colors. It never ceases to amaze me at the beauty that God created for us to enjoy! I love it as we go into the holiday season....preparing our homes and hearts to celebrate what we are thankful for as we are reminded again and again how blessed we are. I love contemplating Mary as she prepared for the birth of our Savior. Did she really know who He would be?? I think her spirit was at peace with it all, but I'm sure like the rest of us she had her doubts and fears.
It was a precious time for me 2 years ago as I walked her path--definitely not in the same way at all....but, I was expecting a child and he was born at Christmastime. I did a lot of thinking and praying during that time and felt some kinship with Mary. It's a precious time of year! Can we ever express our gratitude to God for all that He does for us?

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