
Monday, January 5, 2009

10 Things.....

I got this idea from a friend of mine ( decided to do something similar. Resolutions tend to fizzle with the month of January so, I've decided to commit to accomplish 10 things in are the things that I am prayerfully going to work on and strive to accomplish:

1. A closer relationship with Jesus.

2. Reading through the Bible in a year.

3. Family devotions and prayer times on a regular basis.

4. Concentrate on better parenting and "wifeing" (hehehe, my new word for '09).

5. Be an encourager and helper to those in need.

6. Be healthier by starting an exercise routine.

7. Cook more from scratch and eat healthier.

8. Spend money with more wisdom and less waste.

9. Start selling my natural products (

10. Have an attitude that glorifies God in all that I do.

Anybody else interested in making a "10 things" list?


  1. Great list!
    How many of these things are you already working on? I know some of them are a 'process' and you can't just say "done".
    We (Tad and I) are working on becoming better parents. We had a family meeting the other night and set some guidelines.
    I'm "working" on Tad to get a dog.. lol
    I'm working on the processes of getting organized and weightloss.
    Through my Bible reading, I'm working on becoming the Proverbs 31 woman and closer relationship with Jesus.
    I have not even opened my new sewing machine... lol
    I am kinda working on crocheting to sell. I've taken some new pictures to put up. I'm working on 3 things right now (for my family).

  2. Well, we've already started the devotions and I've started doing my own and trying to pray alone each day. This will help me in the wifeing and parenting areas also in my relationship with Jesus.

    Once I'm done with the attic and pit cleanouts, I'll be working more on my products to add new ones to my blog.

    I've started riding our recumbent bike. My goal is 15 minutes a day right now. I hope to be riding 5-10 miles a day before the end of the year.

    I am making more things from scratch and hopefully my tortilla maker will come in sometime soon and we can start making whole wheat tortillas. I'm also doing an online class that is giving me ideas on how to make healthy things that my kids will enjoy.

    The money spending is going to be tough and will be at different times, etc.

    The attitude thing...well, I'm noticing that I need to work on this one a lot.

    So, they are mostly all in progress.....keep me in check here and make me accountable, ok?

  3. Hey, how are you doing?
    Have you made any new products? I need to check your other blog..
    Did you ever get your tortilla maker? If so, how does it work?
    Are you still taking that online cooking healthy class?
    I've already seen the pit and upstairs and it looks great!! You worked hard and it shows! Now, come do mine.. lol Totally kidding. You know me, I'd freak if someone tried to clean my house- even though I need to clean it.

  4. I am doing pretty well on my list! Some days I miss my Bible reading, but eventually I will catch up. I'm gleaning so much from my readings. It's amazing how God's Word is so alive and reaches into my life right where I need it.

    We don't do the family devotions very often. But, we only have one night a week that we sit down to dinner all together with Dakota here. The devotions are a little bit over Hannah and Caleb's heads. I'm trying to find something to do with both of them when Dakota's not here.
    We're working harder though, to make more a point of it being family time while we're eating, not just eating and being done....know what I mean?

    The tortilla maker is great! The tortillas are so yummy! I've also been baking my own tortilla chips from the tortillas and they are awesome! We really love them. I'm not making them as often as everyone wishes--they take more time than just putting together a regular meal.

    I am baking my bread. About 3-4 loaves a week and we're making sandwiches out of the bread now, too.

    Yes, the online class has been really good. I'm trying some of the things she's suggesting and we're liking some of them.

    I have not made anything new yet in my product line and have not even finished the ones I had in the works. Will probably have to start over. I've had to go up quite a bit on my prices because the ingredients have increased quite a bit and also the shipping. ouch!

    I think I am doing better in the parenting/wifeing areas. At least they are always on my mind thanks to the Holy Spirit. I'm feeling God's leading in areas that I hadn't even brought to Him before.

    God is soo good and faithful!

    How about you?


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