
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh no.....the are they faring in this snow?

Well, they're falling over under the weight of the snow. Last year's trees are looking better than this year's. David and Dakota have been out in the tree fields since 6:15 a.m. They are brushing all the snow off each individual tree.

Hallelujah, none of the trees are broken...just laying down. Once the snow is brushed off they are standing back up!! Thank you, Lord!

The top two pictures are the new trees that we just planted.

The bottom two pictures are last year's trees.


  1. Praise the Lord no trees have broken!
    I love the snow! But I don't like that we had to miss church and that it's hendering your tree planting.

  2. Amen! So, what have our friends been doing since they "played hookey" from church? LOL! Hopefully, you didn't waste the time and you've been making snow angels, igloos and snowmen! What about snow ice cream...? I wanna see pictures!!!


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