
Friday, July 17, 2009

Hannah at her Diabetes Checkup

We went to see Mrs. Ann at Vanderbilt for Hannah's 3 month check up yesterday. Hannah is doing well and they are pleased overall at her height and weight. She's staying consistent in the 50th percentile. As she's growing she will continually need more insulin to keep her blood sugars in the healthy range.

Hannah's A1C was down to 9.1. That is an ok A1C. Not great and not bad, either. They'd really like to see her at about 7.5. What this means is that at 9.1 her blood sugar average over the 3 month period has been 213. That's a high blood sugar average. We'd really like to see her average at about 140. We have a lot of fluctuations in her sugars and sometimes it's hard to know. We are constantly monitoring and managing her sugars and changing her insulin amounts and ratios. It's a daily thing. Ann always gives us some good ideas and shows us how to figure her ratios as we keep making the changes based on what we see with her sugars. Yesterday's appointment was great and we got some pictures of Hannah and one of her with Ann.

Please pray with us as we strive to keep Hannah's sugars in the range they need to be.

1 comment:

  1. yay Hannah! You look like such a big girl!
    Even though those numbers are alittle high, at least they aren't sky high.


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