
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hannah's Summer Reading Club

Hannah's been taking an online class this summer called "Beach Bag Book Club." She takes the class on Thursdays and they read a book together and talk about it and discuss project ideas for the week.

Last week's book was Giraffe's Can't Dance. They also learned a song...

Katalina Matalina

Katalina Matalina
Upastina Walkadina
Hoca Loca Poka was her name.

She had two hairs in her head,
One was alive and the other was dead!

She had two eyes on her head,
One was blue and the other was red!

Her neck was as long as a ten-foot pole,
And right in the middle was a big black bow!

Her feet were as flat as a bathroom mat,
Now, how did they ever get like that?

This was a fun song for the kids to sing and Hannah and I have also been singing it some through this week!

The lesson was all about rhyming words and silly rhymes as you can see from the silly song above. So, one of the options was to write a poem and illustrate it.

Hannah and her daddy wrote a poem called "Me and My Dad".

I've attached a picture of it for you all to see it. But, I think I'll type it out for you to really be able to read it.

Me & My Dad
Me and my dad like to play
We play at night, we play all day

But we have a problem
It makes us sad
Work is our problem
Cuz work is bad

Playing is fun and it makes us glad
But when daddy has to work,
Sometimes I get mad.

Be sure to click on the pictures so that they will zoom in for you to be able to see them well. The picture she drew is her and Daddy "playing" and then the one under it is Daddy leaving for work.

1 comment:

  1. That neat!
    My older girls learned that first song in elementary also.
    I think Hannah got the artist gene :)


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