
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cock-A-Doodle-Doo.....No More!

This morning, Hannah, Caleb and I went out to gather eggs and feed and water the chickens. We have 2 roosters and one of them has gotten quite confident and too big for his britches, if you know what I mean....all that struttin' around those hens. While we were out in the coop this morning 3 hens climbed up into the nesting boxes to lay eggs. Hannah wanted to stay and watch them lay their eggs, so Caleb and I went back into the house to wash our hands. Hannah came in a few minutes later just sobbing uncontrollably. The black rooster had evidently decided that he was big enough to take on Hannah. He plumped the feathers on his neck, got all puffed up and then started attacking her and trying to climb on her and push her down. She was quite traumatized! I got her all calmed down and said "Would you like to have rooster for dinner?" She said "What?" I told her that once Daddy found out what happened the rooster would be no more. She said "What do you mean?" I told her that Daddy would kill it for doing that to her. She was surprised and then a little excited that he'd do that for her, so we called Daddy and he said "yep, his end has come!!"

So, Daddy came home and asked Hannah if she wanted to shoot the .22 and she said "No!" So, in keeping with Dakota's desire to protect his sister, not to mention his overwhelming glee at the prospect of killing a chicken......he did the deed, with ONE shot!

The mean, old rooster is no more.....see the pictures below.

Battle-Ready Executioner, Dakota

The Mean-y, Poo Poo!

See the target on his back? hehehe! :0)

Warrior--moving in for the kill!

Dakota's sweet revenge on behalf of his sister!

Some say "revenge is a dish best served cold," but in this case a dose of 'hot lead' seems to have worked well!


  1. Oh no! I had the same thing happen to me when I was a kid. My papa had the same reaction.. chicken for dinner.

  2. Well, revenge may be a dish best served cold but I'm thinking roasted with veggies sounds awesome! Good job Cody :)

  3. Not sure what I think about all that ;)


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