
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hannah's Vision Check-Up

We went to Vanderbilt on Friday for Hannah's vision check-up. This is something that we will do on a yearly basis because of the Diabetes. They just check her vision and she has 20/20--yeah! Then they check for Diabetic Retinopathy. They have to dilate her eyes to do this check.

High blood sugars can cause the blood vessels in her eyes to swell and burst. So, that's what they are looking for. If signs of the retinopathy begin to appear, they can do surgery now to fix the damage, but only if caught early on. If not, there is a risk of blindness.

Waiting 20 minutes for the drops to fully dilate her eyes.

Eyes Fully Dilated

Love the funky glasses!

Praise God, Hannah has no signs of Diabetic Retinopathy!!

Since her eyes had been dilated, she needed to wear some dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun......Caleb had to have his own pair of special glasses, too :0)

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