
Monday, August 3, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer--Who said that?

Well, at the end of May we were so excited. School was done for the year. Co-op had ended.

We were free to enjoy the lazy days of summer!

Yeah! Right! We haven't had any yet and it's almost time for school to start back. ugh! But, it has been a fun summer. Here are the chronicles of the Gray family summer:

  • Friends moved in next door
  • Hi Speed Internet--occasionally, thanks to friends from next door. :0)
  • Camp for Dakota
  • Swim lessons for Hannah
  • VBS for Mama, Hannah & Caleb
  • Mama's quick trip to Texas to see Mima, Papaw and her brother.
  • Beach Bag Book Club for Hannah
  • Science Camp for Hannah
  • Splash Pad--Water Park for Mama, Hannah & Caleb
  • Christmas Tree upkeep--Dakota, Daddy, Mama
  • Redoing the kids bathroom--Daddy, Mama, Dakota
  • Prayer Meetings and get togethers with a special family
  • Friends over to play--Hannah & Caleb
  • Growing tomatoes and peppers in pots (raised garden beds did not get built)--Mama
  • Nephews here to visit
  • A. DeDe and boys here for a visit, again
  • Adopted some Hermit Crabs
  • Mama's teaching herself to knit
  • Making Jam
  • Blogging
  • A Day At the Lake
  • A Tea Party
  • Potty Training Caleb
  • TEACH Thank you card-making for Veterans
  • Dakota's Fine Arts trip
  • Daddy's been working 60-80 hour weeks all summer
  • Fun nights at Nanny Boo Boo and Poppies, riding the tractor, 4-wheeler, and playing with trains, etc.

I must admit there have been a few lazy days in and around all of these things chronicled above, but what happened to the quiet, lazy days of summer from years past--where the kids complained of boredom and days by the pool and reading books and eating popsicles and playing outside were all that was done?

We are so blessed that we were able to do these things. So, I'm not complaining...just wondering if anyone else has noticed that the lazy days of summer are no more?

1 comment:

  1. Love your post and the pic of the kids as your background. Looks great!! I hope I will have time to keep mine up once I start working again.


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