
Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Day of Homeschool

Well, we finally started school! It was a great first day. Sandy and I started with taking pics, weighing and measuring each of the kids--Hannah, Mackenzie and Caleb. We filled out a page with their likes and dislikes and their stats on it. We will affix their photograph to it and keep it in our folder until the end of the year. Then, we will measure, weigh and take pics on the last day of school. This way we can see the changes in them from the beginning of the year until the end of the year. We also wrote in the goals we'd like to see accomplished this year.

This week the 2nd graders will be studying:
The significance of a name (Bible), the Pledge of Allegiance, the United States Flag, an overview of the United States Map, beginning a timeline of US History, Leif Ericson, what Scientists do, Spelling, Book Basket (looking through/reading various history and science books) Intro. to Art (they are drawing straight lines from dot to dot), reading aloud, and listening to classical music. We will start Math and English in the 3rd week.

This week the preschooler will be:
Grinding modeling clay and cheese into the kitchen floor, coloring himself with washable (thank the Lord!) markers, cutting his new shirt with scissors, throwing fits, walking on our timeline, coloring 65 sheets of paper (an average of 10-15 sheets per day), tearing pages out of his Bible, and maybe if we are consistent he might learn his abc's and some numbers!

Overall it was a great first day! Lord, please let the rest of the year go just as well!!


  1. Sounds like a great start! I love the way you described Caleb's schooling!!! So funny!!

  2. So, when Caleb misbehaves, can we blame his teacher?! ROFL!

    I'm glad you had a wonderful first day. I'm praying with you that the rest of the year goes just the same.

    What a wonderful experience that Hannah and Mackenzie have! Not many homeschoolers have a friend to do school with :)


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