
Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Hat Finished

Well, this one did not turn out as well as I would have liked. It is what it is. It's a little bit bigger because I added an inch so it would cover David's ears. I tried to use a different yarn for the ribbing. It did not work so well. It's a very loose knit on the ribbing. Then I doubled it with the same yarn as the first hat--this I like because it added more color into the hat. But, it sure made it harder to decrease as I knitted it.

I like the multicolor.
Looks funny, here!

The ribbing kind of curls under. Probably because it's not the same weight yarn.
David's excited because he can keep his head warm now that it's cold--60's at night here and I'm loving it. He wears a hat to bed...go figure!

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