
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finished Knitting Project--We'll Call It A Washcloth

Well, I finished my first project. Since I did not use any kind of pattern, I'm just going to call it a washcloth. It's not perfect and shows lots of mistakes, but I'm proud of it nonetheless!!

I learned how to cast on, knit stitch, bind off and weave in the loose ends when done. So, it's been fun and interesting and I'm loving all the things that I can do with knitting. Be prepared, I'll begin to bore you now with my projects. :0)


  1. Oh, you couldn't possibly "bore" me with your projects. I have a whole blog dedicated to yarn and crochet... lol
    Your washcloth looks great!
    I'm proud of you for successfully learning/teaching yourself how to knit. Way to go!

  2. Awesome, Dawn. Maybe you can teach me...although I am not sure I am cut out for something that requires much patience!

    I am proud of you! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for all the comments. Lora-Joy, I know you can do anything you set your mind to.


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