
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Knitting A Hat!

I started my hat during co-op, yesterday. After dinner last night, I sat on the couch and knit, knit, knit! I got the beginning of it all twisted around on the circular needle, so I had to take it all out and start over. So, this is what I did last night and then today while Sandy and I were homeschooling Hannah and Mackenzie.

By the way, this hat is for David. The color in the pic does not give it justice. It's kind of a burnt orange color.

I'm at the decrease point. It needs to be taken off of the circular needles and moved to 3 or 4 double point needles. I'm a little bit intimidated to try to do this. May try it late tonight after afraid that I'm going to mess it up!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!
    Knowing David, I think he's going to love your handmade hat.


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