
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kansas City Trip

We had a wonderful trip to Kansas City. It was a loooong one. 10 hours in the van with an almost 3 yr. old....phew! It got a little hairy there at times with him screaming "I want to get out of this seat, now!" I couldn't blame him because I wanted to get out of mine, too!! But all in all Hannah and Caleb did very well.
Our fearless leader/driver who agrees with Pastor Steve Gray that cowards set the speed limits!
Reading the book, Riven by Jerry B. Jenkins
Watching a movie
I could not catch him the pic is a blur, but yes, that's Caleb in his seat.

I don't ever remember seeing the arch these pics as we were driving past
The St. Louis Arch was a sight to see......

We stopped for lunch as we headed out of St. Louis and here's the family sitting and eating on the curb at Taco Bell. We just needed a little exercise. David and the kids ran around outside while I placed our order. Then, we decided to just eat outside--it was a beautiful day!

Thought we'd send a little text to Mrs. Loretta with a pic....saying Happy Birthday. I'm not telling how old she is--hehehe! :0)

We learned so much truth at the "Burn Conference" at World Revival Church! It was a powerful experience for us all. The Rhodes' family was there, too. We actually got adjoining hotel rooms (and almost lost them one night due to the "noise" of our playing kiddos! :0) )

I put my camera in my bag once we got to the hotel and it didn't come out again. Sorry, I did not do a very good job of taking pictures!

We experienced some awesome time in the presence of the Lord. The services and prayer times were fantastic! Nothing like them. The conference Seminars were very truthful and made us really think about where we want to be in God. They gave us a hunger to be in His presence more and to seek revival with all of our hearts. We need to be revived! He's already doing it in us, but we want more!

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