
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gray Family Christmas

We had Christmas with all of David's side of the family at Nanny Boo Boo & Poppie's last Saturday. We had a great time together. We ate and ate and ate some more! MMM, good!

Mark brought two guys from the Lazarus Project in Murfreesboro. We enjoyed getting to meet Mark and Thomas. They shared a little bit with us about what their rehabilitation program is like and what it's doing for them. Awesome!

We all brought homemade gifts--I think there were 15 or 16. We laid them out on a table and then one by one Poppie auctioned them off to the highest bidder. We voted ahead of time about some needs in our community and chose one to receive the $$. The Lazarus Project won all we raised $161.00!

The auction was fun and a great idea--Kudos to Mom, Nanny Boo Boo, Esther for coming up with a fun and thoughtful way to share gifts!!!

Then Poppie read the Christmas Story from Luke. We read it aloud with him. At the very end (some already had left) we sang Christmas Carols. It was a wonderful evening together.

Our contribution to the auction: Dakota made the Ojo de Dios, David made the snowmen carolers. I knitted the 2 bags and made the herbal products.

Various pics of the vote and auction.....

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