
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2009 Christmas Pics

We had my family here for the holidays this year. It was a wonderful time together. We got to meet my almost 5 yr. old nephew, Dallas (Dallas is the son of my brother who passed away this summer. He came with my mom and dad from Texas).

My sister followed everyone around with the camera. See the pics below:

Lora-Joy (A. DeDe) with Mercy--everybody loved Mercy. We had to hold her when everyone left just to make sure no one snuck off with her!! :0)
Hannah with A. DeDe
Dallas playing Caleb's guitar--Caleb must have been sleeping because he sure did not want to share!! :0)
Papaw with Hannah & Mercy
Papaw with Mercy--again! She really liked my dad.
Hannah playing outside
Landon working on his Ojo de Dios
Avery playing outside
Landon & Mima
Avery with his new Ipod Touch
Caleb playing outside
Dallas playing outside

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