
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fun in the SNOW!

We got a little bit of snow last weekend. It was so pretty. Just not enough to really do any sledding....although we tried! :0)

It was a dry snow, so we were not able to pack it to make snowballs or a snowman. We still had fun attempting all of these things although the windchill was 15!

Me and my Boo!

Daddy and Caleb

Mackenzie came out and played with us, too!

Nanny Boo Boo pushing Hannah down on her belly!!
Nanny Boo Boo trying to sled on her belly! She's too funny! Not afraid to try anything!

Not the best of pictures-ha, ha!
Hannah in her bright colors!
Be's slick. Let's hold onto each other so we can go down together!

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