
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Making Caramels--A Family Tradition

We made our family-special recipe this year. It's caramels! They are the yummiest! When I was growing up we made these every year and gave them to friends and family over the holidays. We always enjoyed wrapping them. It was a special family time. My mom has kept this recipe secret for a long time. She's finally sharing it with us and others. The recipe used to stay in their safety deposit box. So, when Mima & Papaw were here and U. Andy, A. Dede, Avery & Landon and even Nick, we spent an evening making and wrapping caramels..
Mixing the sugar and corn syrup--so healthy :0)
Waiting for "soft ball" stage
Cooling in the pan
Papaw cutting the wax paper to wrap each piece in
Andy cutting and everyone else wrapping
Mima cutting the caramels and Dakota wrapping them
Mima cutting and everybody pitching in to help wrap
The eating of them is the best part! When Mima's cutting, you have to be sneaky to swipe a few!
The finished product--um, um, good!!

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