
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caleb's New Bag!

Yes, I had to make him a bag. He's been begging me to. I've knitted one for Mackenzie and am in the process of knitting one for Hannah. Then, I sewed Hannah the purse....he's feeling a little left out.

So, I found some really cute construction vehicle fabric and made him a bag. It's a little bit big for him as I misjudged it--knotted the handle for him so it does not drag the ground, hehehe :0). I did not want it to look like a purse! I used the same idea as Hannah's purse and just made it bigger and only did one big pocket on the inside.

I'm learning......

This is the bag turned inside out. The lining with the pocket.
He's carrying around an assortment of toys in it. Cars, trucks, Rescue Heroes, links, puzzles, etc. He keeps changing them out--kinda like a girl and her purse! :0)


  1. That is so cool! I bet he is one happy little man!!
    Good job!

  2. Caleb and his bag are adorable!! Aren't they cute when they drag around or lug around a bag full of their treasures?! Love ya!


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