
Monday, March 29, 2010

All 1000 White Pine Seedlings Are In The Ground!

Well, I'm a little late in posting this! The trees were all planted by last Saturday, March 20th. I've been sick since the 16th and have not been doing much of anything. So, picture posting to my blog with tree updates kinda fell to the bottom of the list when I prioritized things like getting my family fed while feeling like I was trapped under a bus (after it had driven on top of me!). Feeding the family and keeping Hannah and Caleb from killing each other was about all I could do. I've been pretty miserable, but am feeling more like myself today--finally! Thank you, Jesus! Enough about me......the trees, that's what you wanted to know about.....

We are DONE! Well, I shouldn't say "we" since I only planted 6 or 7 trees in total. :0( If you'll look in the background of the pics.....the red chair is where my poor, pitiful, sick self parked while the others were working hard!

We had good help with these trees. Seth and Tracie helped us a LOT! And Nanny Boo Boo planted for the first time this year--she's good at it, too. Don't know what we would have done without all the help! Thank you, thank you!
David digging the holes with the tractor (this is mostly Poppie's job, but when I was out with the camera, Poppie was taking a break from the tractor). Planting is back-breaking and augering is neck-breaking!
The new Auger--working great!

You'll notice Caleb in the background of all of these pics--he's making sure we have no slackers!

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