
Monday, March 1, 2010

My Latest Sewing Project

I made these pillowcases for a special friend, Loretta. She had a near amputation of her foot back in January and is in the agonizing physical therapy stage of recovery (God has done some amazing miracles through her whole ordeal).

Everyone needs something bright and cheerful when they have to just lay on the couch all day and do nothing! Ha!! This sweet, awesome woman of God gets more work done on her couch than I do on two good feet. See the classes she teaches online at See her family blog on my sidebar....All Rhodes Lead Home. And check out our ministry blog here. Please add Loretta and her family to your prayer list.

The pillowcases turned out pretty and nice and bright!!! Hope she enjoys propping her foot up on them!


  1. These are awesome, Dawn! You are doing a great job!

  2. I wanted to tell you what a blessing these pillows have been to me. Some people have their "blankeys"...but I have my pillows to help me get through and make me feel better!! You are a precious, thoughtful friend! Loretta


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