
Monday, April 19, 2010

Chicken-Catcher Caleb

Caleb decided that he was tired of the escapee chickens scratching in the yard, so he decided that he would catch them and put them back in the fenced in chicken area.
And he did!!!..........

So proud of himself
Caleb and his "catch"!
He is saying "bad chicken"!
He is just toooo cute! We call him the Farmer Gray gonnabe


  1. Adorable!
    Did he have to chase it long?

  2. Nope. He's learned that if he will chase them they will just squat down like they're hiding. Once they're down like that he can catch them. He so delights in it!! :0)

    I got so tickled yesterday because we'd just come up from the tree field and he was sooo tired....yet, he perked right up when he saw all those "bad" chickens that had gotten out.

  3. Oh....Caleb, you are just too funny and cute!!!


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