
Friday, May 28, 2010

Homeschool Co-op Achievement Night

We had our Achievement Night for the Co-op on Tuesday evening. The children all did an excellent job.

David took the pics, since I had to be with the kids and on stage at one point. It was dark in the Sanctuary and the pics are a little dark.

This is the 50 State Class that I taught. We had several kids that did not make it for achievement night. However, they did a fantastic job singing all of the 50 states and their capitals by Animaniacs. Hannah is in the front row on the right hand side in a blue shirt and denim skirt.
This is the Hands-On-Music class. They are using Boomwhackers. Hannah loved this class and they did a great job!

Each Boomwhacker makes a note from the C-Scale when it is whacked on something!!

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