
Friday, June 18, 2010

Christmas Tree Farm Update

We've had to make some changes to our plans for this year. We will still be opening the Christmas Tree Farm for business, but we will not have the newly constructed gift shop that we'd originally planned. So, plan B is to use the trailer for our gift shop(yes, it's ugly and well...a trailer!). We are going to spend the summer and fall trying to "pretty" it up! It's a job, but David can do it!

We hope to build our dream building for our gift shop in a few years. David's already drawn the plans and it will be awesome, but even with David doing most of the was going to cost us way more than the bank will loan us to build it. Hence, plan B.

So, we refinanced our line of credit with Farm Credit Services of Mid-America. They were great and we would recommend them to anyone!!! We've got a little $$ to work with to fix up the gift shop and buy the equipment we need. We're going to have to be really creative to make it all work and make the $$ spread! We did apply for a grant from the state of Tennessee for Agritourism. If we are approved their matching $$ will go a long way to helping us purchase our equipment, make a parking area, and advertise. We are hopeful and praying for God to give us favor with the state. We should know by the end of August.

The finished trailer will make a great size gift shop with a bathroom and a room for the kids to build their wooden snowmen. So, it will definitely be big enough. We are still excited to see what will come.

We hope you all will visit us this year!

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