
Friday, June 18, 2010

Runaway Pump!

Uh oh! Our pump came off the stand in our pond. We use the pump to pump water from the pond to the tree fields, so we can water each tree by hand.

So, Daddy has gone to fix it. We gave him about 40 minutes and now we're heading to the pond for a promised canoe ride!

Daddy's got the pump and stand out of the pond and in the canoe to work on it and reattach it. He's still not done when we get there.
It's pretty nasty work....our pond is not of the 'swimming' kind. :0)
The blue barrels are the floats that keep the stand and the pump from sinking to the bottom.
The wire they were attached with has totally rusted away. So, we will reattach them this winter when we remove the pump from the pond before the first freeze. There is a new kind of plastic cording that will work better--won't rust. Poppie has a lot. It's what they use to bind his hay.
The cows have come to see what all the commotion in their pond is about.
Anxious to ride the canoe....yes, even in that mucky, yucky water! We've talked about running a pump in this pond to keep the water clear and make it look pretty, but's just another expense. Maybe someday.....
Waiting for their canoe ride. Passing the time by throwing rocks into the pond.

A view of Daddy working from the other side of the pond.

Working hard to get all the wires right where they need to be.
Pump and stand are back in the water--a good sign!
Beautiful Sunset!
"When is Daddy going to be done, so that we can ride the canoe?"
The job is done! Coming to pick us up for a canoe ride.
"Come on Mom, we're ready to go!"
It was a great ride! Poppie came to watch us. I left my camera on the bank, though. Sure didn't want it going for a swim. So, that's all the pics I got! :0)

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