
Monday, March 7, 2011

Judah and Mama Update

I had my doc appointment last week. Carol, the nurse practitioner told me that I need to be off my feet for the better part of the day due to lots of pressure and back pain that I'm experiencing. So, that's been a challenge and I'm trying. :0) I do want what's best for Judah. He is doing very well, by the way! I also have a herniated belly button which is causing quite a bit of discomfort and some pain. Please pray that this will correct itself after birth so I don't have to have it corrected with surgery.

We are getting the house in shape to prepare for bringing Judah home in just about 10 weeks. Also, getting a place prepared for Mima to stay in while she's here! We're making progress and I'm hoping to be all done by the end of this month. Dakota is on Spring Break from MTSU this week and he will be helping me get some things accomplished. YAY, Dakota!

Thanks for all your prayers and for staying in touch with our family!

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