
Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh, The Joys of Snow!

There is nothing like seeing your children's faces as you call for them to get out of bed and look out the window!  Oh, the hope and anticipation--did it snow?  Huge grins metamorphosize their faces as they begin to think of all the fun and mischief they are about to get into. The whooping and hollering begins.  For my kids even a dusting is enough to get excited about!

This is the best spot in the house to warm up.  David drilled holes under the cabinets here for a vent when we put in the wood stove.  So it blows really nice and warm right here.  Usually this is where we congregate in the mornings when the house is cold.  And, it's the perfect place after playing in the snow and your hands are cold!

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