
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cuts and Scrapes Spritzer

Updated-September, 2014

I have 3 small children and we are constantly dealing with cuts, scrapes and lots of tears.  Sometimes even meltdowns.....anyone relate? 

I keep this on hand for just such an occasion (translated ~ everyday occurrence! :0) lol )
 We keep a bottle of this with us wherever we go!

Cuts and Scrapes Spritzer
12 drops Lavender
8 drops Lemon
8 drops Bergamot
Couple pinches of Epsom Salt
Witch Hazel 
2 oz. spray bottle

Use code "sonshine" at Spark Naturals for a 10% discount!
(be sure to always shake a little prior to each use)

Just drop the essential oils in the 2 oz. bottle and then the epsom salt and fill to the top with witch hazel.  

The salt in this does give it a bit of a sting, but my kids still ask for it when they get an owie.  I think they like it because they know it will soon feel better and will be gone quickly.

I linked up here....

Please leave me a comment.  Thank you,

Cuts/Scrapes Spritzer can be purchased at Sonshine Botanicals.

You can find the epsom salt, witch hazel and spray bottles here: My Amazon Store


  1. What a great idea!! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe on the Weekend Whatever link-up! :-)

  2. Thank you very much for stopping by!
    We use this all the time!

  3. I'm featuring this post on the Weekend Whatever, today! Thanks so much for sharing and please do come link up more of your posts! :-)

  4. Awesome idea! I'll have to try this concoction out. I have three little ones, so I can totally related to the frequent scrapes and falls- and the ensuing meltdowns, unfortunately. I always keep coverlet adhesive dressing with me when we go on trips. I think it's a psychological thing- just like your kids feel better when the spray bottle comes out, mine feel better when the scrape is all covered up and out of sight.


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