
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dawn's Bug Beware!

I made my own insect repellant with essential oils.  So excited to give it a try.  We are about to go 'sploring on our 40 acres looking for a flock of turkeys we've been seeing around our house.  Sadly, we think our Australian Shepherd puppy, Middie must have scared them off the other day and they've not been back.  We need serious insect repellant around here.  The chiggers and ticks think they own the place.  We don't seem to have much trouble with mosquitos although they are around, because we have a pretty healthy bat population that keeps the mosquitos thinned out.  We love to sit at my in-love's and watch the bats fly just at dusk during the summertime.

I am not very good at taking pictures for ya'll. Thought I'd use my Modern Essentials book and the current book I'm skimming that I borrowed from the library (Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens--can you guess what's in our near future??) for the background.  Also used my new rolls of washi tape that I love!  Thanks for the idea Camp Wander

ok, back to the insect repellant :0)!

I found a recipe at two different places on the web.
Natural Homemade Mosquito Spray


DIY: Insect Repellant

So, I tweaked them and came up with my own.  Here it is:

Dawn's Bug Beware
12 oz Witch Hazel
15 drops citronella essential oil 
15 drops lemongrass essential oil
10 drops peppermint
10 drops tea tree (melaleuca)
10 drops eucalyptus

I put these into several different size glass spray bottles. 

2 - 4 oz. bottles    One for the front door and one for the back door.
1 - 2 oz. bottle      For the van
3 - 1 oz. bottles    For the car, truck, and my purse.

So there you have it.  We will be giving it a try and I will update in a few weeks or so and let you all know how it's working. 

All essential oils can be purchased at Spark Naturals.  Be sure to use code "sonshine" for a 10% discount.

I've shared and linked this post over at Sustain Create and Flow  for
Wildcrafting Wednesday  and Natural Living Link-up  Please stop by and check out some awesome posts by other bloggers.

Please leave a comment!  Thanks for stopping by!

P.S.  I did not name it until after I'd already made the time!!


  1. Hi! I found you via Camp Wander. I plan to make your bug spray as soon as I gather all the ingredients. It sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing it. :-)


  2. Thank you, Kim! I appreciate the comment. We spent over an hour walking our 40 acres and no bug bites or chiggers. Kids went out to play yesterday and forgot it, had some mosquito bites--already!

  3. Thank you so much for this recipe. Going to try it as soon as I get citronella. Spark Naturals carries it now

  4. Smile4me....I know, I'm so excited that they carry it now. We can purchase all to make this blend from Spark Naturals! Let me know how you like it, ok?


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