
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Judah Turned 2!

Judah Eleazar Gray--May 10, 2011
What a blessing from God you are to us!  A miracle.  I remember vividly the day you were born.  God was really looking out for you during my whole pregnancy and right up to the eventful birth!  I love how He protects and cares for us.  I couldn't wait to see your face and hold you for the very first time.  You have brought so much joy and laughter and noise and dirt and mess to our family--lol!  We would not change a thing!  We love you!  Happy Birthday!

I posted these pics and this to facebook on Friday morning....

Hi everybody! It's my birthday, today! I'm 2 according to everyone...although I really don't know what that means. There is something really interesting going on outside on the front porch and no one will tell me what it is...evidently it's a SURPRISE for my birthday! I can't wait...but for now I'll just sit here and watch Cars 2.

Love those eyes!
Ok,'re in the way of my movie...but I'll smile for ya!
This is what was happening on the front porch
He finally got to come and be a part of it.  Decided he would watch perched atop his horse, Pepper.
Hmmm....what is all this?
I don't really know, but everyone is sure excited!
 Oh wow!  I get to open it?!
 What's in here?
Sand toys! oh and a necklace from Caleb.
Caleb's having just as much or more fun!
ok, I know what to do with these!
There's more?
These are for me, too?  You be the unwrapper ok, Caleb?
I'm gonna go on and start to play!
So, what is this stuff?  It's kinda wet.
Ya'll can get in there if you want...I'ma gonna stay right here.
 Don't let it touch my body--anywhere!
 I can do this squatting, too. 
Are you having fun, Judah?  "Yep!"
Hannah, Caleb, Daddy are working really hard to show Judah that his bucket will make an awesome looking castle..
He's over here in his corner, doing his own thing
Here it comes, look Judah, LOOK!
Hannah and Caleb enthralled with what they have made!
Judah is still sitting at his corner, doing his own thing! lol!

On Thursday night we made tacos for dinner because he loves them.  Hannah made his birthday cake and we invited Dakota out for supper and cake!  I left my camera sitting in it's case the WHOLE time.  I was sooooo very sad when the night was over and I realized this!  The cutest thing he did was when he got his piece of cake.  He picked the whole piece up with his fork and just ate it bite by bite off the fork.  He just kept turning the fork.  It was too cute!!
Here are some pics from church Friday night.  We took cupcakes to share.  
oh boy
this is
Let me go, Cody!  Let me go!
Athena brought me a gift to unwrap!
He's sooooo excited!! It's a CAR!
Caleb will help get it out of the package!
And I'll just dance and be happy
and jump a little!
And dance some more!
Aren't I cute?!  Oops, I meant to do that!
A special day for a special 2 yr. old!
Thank you, Lord for such a special blessing! 

Just this morning, I found him carrying around the card he got from Mima and Papaw which he loves because it has a truck on it!

Thanks for stopping by!

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