
Monday, June 10, 2013

Double Rainbow on the Farm-2013

I love God's handiwork!  All the beautiful green trees, blue skies, white fluffy clouds and today a RAINBOW and, not just one, but two!

 You can actually see through the rainbow here.  It looks like the end of it is resting on our neighbor's house across the highway.

God's promises are sure!


  1. Hi was this in Harrison, TN on Highway 58?

  2. Hi Emma, this was taken on our farm in Woodbury, TN off Hwy. 145. Did you see one just like it in Harrison? Rainbows are so intriguing!

  3. Hello,

    Yes, I saw a double rainbow on that same day and around the same time, it was beautiful and reassuring!

  4. That is so cool! Evidently there were many who saw this same rainbow...all over and in several different states. Isn't that so awesome? I love how God amazes us! Thank you for commenting!


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