
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Spider Ban!

Do any of you have a plethora of spiders in your home?  Well, we do....or I should say we used to!  YAY!  

I read somewhere that spiders hate the smell of peppermint.  

So, I decided that was good for me!  I took some peppermint essential oil and mixed it with some witch hazel and oo la la!  We have a mighty tool for keeping spiders away. 

Recipe:  20 drops peppermint essential oil
witch hazel (put EO in first then fill)
4 oz. spray bottle

We spray this around the wood floors in my bathroom and around the fireplace.

Usually, starting in early spring I have at least one spider a day in here
We have cedar floors and also a White Fir on the walls in this bath.  Spiders evidently love the wood!  Or at least they think they like the tub....until they get in it and can't get back out.

See this spider!  That's how I like it.  And, except for maybe one or two (when it was time to spray again and I hadn't) it's staying spider free!

A simple solution.  I like simple! And, it works just as good as those toxin-filled household bug sprays--without all the toxins.  I love toxic-free!

I typically will spray this about every 2 weeks.  I use it in my kitchen and the kids rooms, too.

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Linked up with these blogs. Click any picture and it will take you to the blog with all the links of some really wonderful, ideas, recipes, information!
day2day joys

Road to 31
Wildcrafting Wednesday


  1. Great! We shared with our FB readers at

  2. Thank you for the share! Hope it's helpful.

  3. I don't have many, but in Florida they are always big spiders! I'm definitely trying it!

  4. Let me know how it works for you, Jeanne! Thanks for your comment love!


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