
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TummyEase--For All Digestive Discomforts

This blend works well for any type of 
stomach/colon issues, including tummy upset, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn/acid reflux, gas/flatulence issues, nausea or vomiting.  It may also help with feelings of anxiety which tend to exacerbate indigestion troubles.
We roll this on the bottoms of our feet and clockwise around our belly button.  When it's a heartburn/acid reflux issue, I also roll on my neck on either side of my throat.  ooohhh, it eases that burn so nicely and soooo much better and faster than medications!

And, if you are out in public and it's a little difficult to be discreet and lift your shirt to roll clockwise around your belly button....then try it on your wrists.  Be sure to smell it, too.

TummyEase Concentrate
5 drops ginger essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops wild orange essential oil
6 drops basil essential oil
5 drops ylang ylang essential oil
3 drops frankincense essential oil
Mix this up in a 5 ml empty.

Then place 8 drops in a 1/6 oz roller bottle
and fill with fractionated coconut oil
Place 15 drops in a 1/3 oz. roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil
I just put the essential oil drops into the bottle in the order listed and then fill to the top with fractionated coconut oil. As with all blends, give the bottle a little shake each time you use it.

Ginger works well against diarrhea, gas/flatulence, indigestion, nausea, morning sickness, vomiting

Peppermint works well against diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting

Wild Orange works well against sluggish digestion, nervousness, heartburn, diarrhea

Basil works well against abdominal cramps, digestive issues, anxiety, intestinal problems, vomiting

Ylang Ylang works well against indigestion, stomachaches, anxiety, intestinal problems

Frankincense works well against ulcers, diarrhea, nervous conditions, heartburn/acid reflux

Make up a roller bottle and try TummyEase today!  You'll be glad you did!

If you don't have all of these essential oils on hand, you can purchase this blend at Sonshine Botanicals.

Thanks for stopping by!

 All of these essential oils, fractionated coconut oil and the roller bottle can be purchased at Spark Naturals.
Use code "sonshine" for a 10% discount.

106th Wildcrafting Wednesday
Lovely Ladies Linky
Wise-Woman-Builds Photobucket

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