
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DIY Foaming Hand Soap

We live on a farm

We have kids

We have chickens

We have dogs

We have a cat

We love to bake

I have a hubby who works in construction

I love to garden

My kids love dirt

We have a 2 yr. old and he loves to wash his hands...

So, in walks Lea of A Drop of This with a great recipe for DIY Foaming Hand Soap!

This I had to try!  Making my own was something I'd always wanted to to do and Lea made it seem so simple!

1 - 7.5 oz. Foaming Soap Bottle
Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castile Soap
Vegetable Glycerin
30 drops Shield Essential Oil Blend
20 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil

I filled the empty (Dial) soap bottle 1/3 of the way full with the castile soap
Added 1 T of vegetable glycerin
Added 30 drops of Shield Essential Oil Blend
Added 20 drops of Wild Orange Essential Oil
Fill the soap bottle with water (be sure to leave room for the pump or it will be very messy! :) )

Wash your hands!

We love how this smells and how it cleans our hands!  It doesn't suds up as much as regular soap, but we're getting used to it, now.  I love the fact that it's toxin free and is great against germs!

You can use all kinds of essential oil combinations.  Just go with the smells you like in the oils that have antibacterial and antiviral properties.  You can't go wrong!

Thanks for stopping by!

Essential oils can be purchased at Spark Naturals
Wild Orange
Don't forget to use code "sonshine" for a 10% discount!

Liquid Castile Soap and vegetable glycerin can be purchased at Amazon.


  1. Thank you :) I'm going to have to try that out!!

  2. Yay! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Where do you get the vegetable glycerin?

  4. I usually order from Mountain Rose Herbs or Amazon.

    Mountain Rose Herbs→

    Affiliate link to Amazon→


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