
Monday, September 22, 2014

Say Goodbye to Ringworm

Well, this is a new experience for me.  I've never had ringworm and none of my kids have ever had ringworm...until I noticed this, yesterday.....
Judah's right wrist

So, I've been researching the essential oils that will effectively fight this fungus. 

I've come up with a blend that we will start using today and I will keep you updated with daily pics.

Some information about ringworm:
It's a fungal infection
It's highly contagious
Doctors recommend using a topical over-the-counter anti-fungal cream
You shouldn't share towels or bedding with an infected person
It can take up to 2 weeks or even longer for the infection to clear.
Ringworm can be transmitted by pets, other humans, or soil. kids have been playing in a bunch of dirt we just brought in as we are expanding our Christmas tree farm parking lot.
They've been digging, making forts, moving dirt and just having a grand old time! Who knows if this could be the culprit or not.

No anti-fungal creams in use here.  Let's see how our essential oils take care of this.  

"Slip Away" Ringworm Blend:
 (My daughter, Hannah, likes the name cuz you know, worms are slimy, right?)

Add drops to a 1/3 oz. roller bottle and fill the rest of the way with Fractionated Coconut Oil.  Apply 3-5 times per day.  Remember, ringworm is highly contagious.  Do not share.  If you have multiple people who need to use this blend, make up a bottle for each person. 

Remember to purchase quality essential oils from Spark Naturals.  Use code "sonshine" for a 10% discount on your order.

Thanks for stopping by!

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