
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jeddy's Blend

Have you ever tried Jeddy's Blend?  If not, you're missing out!

We use it when my kids are wild and I need them to focus.

We use it when I've had a stressful day and just need to calm down.

We use it when my daughter has some anxiety before an oral school report.

We use it to help our kids wind down at bedtime if they seem to be having a hard time calming down.

It's also great to put in the diffuser!  We diffuse it in the kitchen and it benefits the whole family.

I've heard fantastic reports of other ways it has helped here for more information and testimonials.

You can purchase Jeddy's Blend at Spark Naturals.  Don't forget code "sonshine" for a 10% discount.

Thanks for stopping by,

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