
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Homeschool Voice Level Chart

Hello everyone!  I know I've been a little AWOL, here lately.  We just always seem to have too much going on.  

Can you relate?  I'm sure most of you can.
We've started our homeschool year and are loving it so far.  

I'm wanting to share more homeschool type posts with you as we go through our homeschool year.  So, hopefully some of you will benefit from these.  Please comment below and let me know if you are a homeschool family.

I'll still be posting about essential oils because we truly love the essential oil life.  There will be more of these posts coming soon, also.

This is something that we just started today and it should help bring great improvement to our homeschool days and every day in between.  

Are you having trouble keeping the voice levels down in your home? 

We ARE! 

I have a 4 year old who just screams pretty much everything he says. 

I think it's the "baby of 5" syndrome

He is desperate to be heard! 

Well, thanks to my sister, Lora Joy Adzima (A Speech Therapist for Knox County Schools) we now have a really handy voice level chart to help teach my son the right level of voice to use! 

I just printed and laminated it this morning. He responded well. 
 We talked about the colors, numbers and the pictures to help give him a feel for what each level is about and then we practiced the level in our voices to show him the level his voice should be at for each different scenario in our home.  

Also, this will help me when I'm working with Hannah or Caleb and I can remind him by saying "Judah, look at your voice level chart....where are you?"  "Where should you be?"

We also printed and laminated one to keep in the van.

Can you feel the excitement in this mama's heart to get these changes incorporated into our home?!!  My ears are singing instead of ringing...and, "It makes me wanna shout!"  

Um...well, I'll have to keep my voice level down because that's for outside use.  So, excuse me for a moment while I run outside and shout (oops...can't run in the house either, so I'll just walk quickly)

This mama's sanity might soon return ;) !

Ok, ok....I hear all that giggling and laughing.  I know this will not fix my sanity problem, but every little bit helps, right? And one can always HOPE!!

 If you need this chart, please comment below and I'll be happy to email you the pdf file.

Thanks for stopping by,


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Thanks for sharing and for stopping by The GRAY Area!