
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Homeschool Co-op

Hannah, Caleb and I joined a homeschool co-op this year. We've had a lot of fun, learned a lot and made some special friends! Tuesday night was Achievement Night for the end of our first semester. Hannah was in the Musical class and they put on a little play about Fall and being thankful. It was very cute and the kids did a great job! This is a picture of Hannah before she went "on-stage". She was an indian in one part of the performance also. I left my camera at home (dismay!), so this picture was taken by Deanna (thank you!). You can't really tell, but Hannah's hair is in two braids.

Hannah's lines in the Musical:

"And I see geese flying south in long V's across the sky."

"If I were a turkey and it was November, I'd be very, very nervous."


  1. And, she just shined while saying that last line. TOO CUTE!!

  2. Such a cutie patootie, and look at her she's so tiny but she's packed with dynamite! Waiting to explode, lol!


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