
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Locks of Love.....

Hannah decided that she no longer wanted to mess with her long hair. It's too much trouble to keep it clean and comb all the tangles out!

So, today we went to Great Clips in Murfreesboro and 'Kimmie' cut Hannah's hair off in a ponytail (10 in.) so that she could send it to Locks of Love. They will use Hannah's hair to make a wig for a little girl who doesn't have any hair. Hannah was really excited to be able to give some of her hair to help someone else.

Here are some pictures to show you......oh, and another special part about it was that Hannah's haircut was free! Doesn't her hair just look darling? She really likes it.


  1. Oh my! Bye bye beautiful hair.
    Looks GREAT!!! Ash and Becca really like it!

  2. Looks so cute! I'm trying to talk Beth into doing this, either way she's losing it.


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