
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Day of Co-op for the 2009-2010 School Year

Hannah, Caleb, Mackenzie and I started back to Co-op yesterday. We will go on Tuesdays every week from 9:30 until 2:30.

I am co-teaching a class called Silly Stories, Rhymes and Rhythm with Loretta Rhodes. We had a blast yesterday. We teach this class 2nd & 3rd period. 3rd period is all girls and it's amazing how the dynamics in each class are different. I am taking Beginning Knitting during 1st period and am an assistant in the Irish Dance Class during 4th period.

Hannah and Mackenzie are taking Gym class (1st), Silly Stories, Rhymes and Rhythm (2nd), Beginning Spanish (3rd) and Irish Dance (4th). They truly enjoyed their first day back. Caleb is in the Playgroup and there are ladies who rotate in and out throughout the day to watch all of the Preschoolers. He did well, I think. I know he slept through 4th period, yesterday.

Had trouble getting Caleb to cooperate for a picture :0)

This is the 2nd period, Silly Stories, Rhyme & Rhythm class.

And....I promptly put my camera away and did not take any more pictures at co-op {sigh}


  1. Yay! I'm glad everyone had a good time yesterday! My girls had a blast as well.
    I'm still bummed that we didn't get any classes together.
    That last picture is too cute. I love the wacky faces they are making!

  2. Yeah, I am so glad we are back at it but at least you got a couple of "back-to" shots!! So great to get to spend time with you in dance class!! I think you will enjoy learning!

  3. Deanna, I'm bummed too, but it's working out well for me to be in Irish Dance with Hannah.

    Tracey, I am going to enjoy dance class! Hannah, too!


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