
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Co-op Pictures

I'm trying to do better. I took pictures during 2nd and 3rd period Silly Songs class and during the Irish Dance Class, 4th period, yesterday.

We're having fun! We read the book Pickles To Pittsburgh in Silly Songs class and then made pickle puppets and had a pickle taste test. The kids really enjoyed it!
2nd Period--Mrs. Loretta is reading Pickles To Pittsburgh....sequel to Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

Will, Benjamin, Mackenzie, Hannah, Gwynne
Benjamin, Mackenzie, Hannah, Gwynne, Moshe & Micah
Katie-Marissa, Meghan, Ellen, Taylor, Ruthie, Ashley
(Can't remember name of girl in blue on left :0( ), Violet (red hair), Mallory, Veronica, Allie, Hannah,
Irish Dance with Mrs. Tracey. She's showing a video of the dances.
Ashley, Briley, Bailey, Taylor, Hannah, Mackenzie
Tippy Toes!
Fancy footwork! Way to go, girls!

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