
Thursday, October 14, 2010


I had my first ultrasound this morning. I am exactly 8 weeks. My due date is May 26, 2011.
I saw the baby's heart beating and then got to hear it. It was a precious moment for me. I just cried. Here is the first picture of our baby!

The line coming down from about 2 o'clock is the umbilical cord and the baby's head is down at about 5 o'clock and the body goes up and into the middle of the picture where the umbilical cord attaches. If that makes any sense as you look at the picture! :0)


  1. Aww, Little Baby Gray. Our revival baby!!! :-) God is so awesome!

  2. I can see baby Gray! That's amazing! Life is such a miracle. God is so good!

  3. We'll be praying for a healthy mom and a healthy baby! Looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving!


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