
Friday, November 19, 2010

So Much To Be Thankful For.....

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Have not been feeling too well. However, I am suddenly feeling much better. I am 13 weeks pregnant, now. No more nausea!! :0) And, I have my energy back. So, I'm furiously cleaning and organizing this house. Would like to get it all done before we start decorating for, I'd better hurry! We are also working hard to get ahead in school. I'd like to finish early this year....maybe the first of May so that we are totally done by the time the baby gets here. My mom will appreciate that, too since she's coming before the baby is born!! :0)

I have my next doc appointment on December 14th. This is all of the blood work for Alpha Feta protein and looking for Spina Bifida type defects which we've been told can actually be corrected in the womb now. Isn't it amazing what modern medicine can do? We are trusting God that nothing will need to be done. Please pray that our baby is growing and developing exactly as he or she should and that all will be perfect in our 3rd little miracle!! God is truly blessing us and we are very excited!

I have started couponing....yep! You heard me right and have been getting some fabulous deals at Kroger. I'm starting slowly as I learn the game. We have saved a ton of money on cream of mushroom/chicken soups at .29 a can. Have also already bought diapers that I could not pass up....$12.99 packs for about $5.00 each. Got some baby head-to-toe wash for .38 and $1.38 each. Anyway....sorry to bore you all. But, I'm really getting into this. David says that if I keep it up and continue to get such good deals, it will be like him getting a $2.00 an hour raise.

Speaking of David....we closed down our construction company, Carpenter's Kidz, Inc., because we just could not keep the work steady. A construction company in Woodbury has been asking David to come on board with them and he accepted and is no longer self-employed. No benefits, vacations, etc. as far as we know right now. Hourly pay, but steady work. We are very grateful for the job!!!

God is moving and blessing our family!! We have so many things to be thankful for! We are eagerly awaiting the Thanksgiving holiday as we will be traveling to Knoxville to see my sister and her family for about a day and a half. We will cook together on Thursday and enjoy a great meal together. Hopefully, will get to go and take family pictures while we are there. Can't wait to see them all. Wish we could see Mom and Dad, too. But, it's just too far to come from Texas!

Ok...enough of the update. We are doing well and are blessed! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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