
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Caleb's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our 4 yr. old, Caleb. He turned 4 on December 29th.
An add-on to his Matchbox cars race track from Dakota and Hannah

A remote control car Fire/Ice from Mom and Dad

Woody and Bullseye from A. DeDe and U. Andy, Avery and Landon

Some friends came over for cake and ice cream and to celebrate
Micah and Caleb
Remote control car was a hit!

Giving Ridah a turn

Birthday Cake

Hannah, Micah, Ridah, and Caleb playing the Uno Game that the Rhodes' Family brought

Caleb also opened a card from Mima and Papaw with $25.00 to spend. We will be making a trip to Build-A-Bear in the near future. He had a GREAT birthday!

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