
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow in Tennessee!

Well, we've had snow for a loooooooong time, now. Or at least it seems like it for good ole Tennessee! I took these pics on Monday either from the window in the house or from the front porch. I'm not getting out in it because I'm 21 weeks pregnant and DO NOT want to fall! However, I did cheat a little and tentatively walked down the drive (holding Dakota's hand for support) and went to town for some groceries, yesterday. Had to walk down the drive because the van was down at my in-law's house. David had tried to get it out for me and he could not get it back up the drive. So, just parked it there. The joys of country living :0)! Now, the van is officially stuck on the drive about halfway up. I did NOT fall and Dakota was a great help transporting the groceries from the stuck van! Good thing David has 4WD in his work truck and can get around it! Tomorrow the temperature will finally get above freezing and maybe all this snow will melt. I love it, it's beautiful, don't get me wrong.....but, I don't like feeling trapped in it!

David, Dakota, Hannah and Caleb had a great time sledding in the tree field....away from the trees, that is. These pics are them getting out the sleds and heading down. Wish I could have had some better close-ups.

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