
Saturday, January 1, 2011

He's quick and sneaky!!

Caleb requested pizza and macaroni and cheese for his birthday. So, I found B1G1 Free Little Caesar's pizza coupons online. The coupons expired on the 28th, so we decided to split his birthday meal into two dinners and start on Wednesday. So, Dakota and the littles and I all went in the van to Little Caesar's for pizza. Since it is right next to WalMart, I just had to go in for a few things (you know how it is). Actually, I'd still not gotten his birthday gift. Hannah wanted to pick something out for him, too. So, the plan was to order the pizzas and then Hannah and I would go in for the gifts and leave Dakota and Caleb in the van. Well, Caleb was NOT happy with this plan at all. He wanted to come in and "pick out" his gifts! Ha! We pulled in and parked and lo and behold Caleb decided that he needed to go to the bathroom, of course! So Dakota got the honors of taking him in to the bathroom while Hannah and I proceeded to the toy section. When we got back to the van, Dakota shared the account of his bathroom run with Caleb. He said that Caleb told him, "I know right where the bathroom is and I'll show you. What you do is you just follow Mama and Hannah all over the store." Hilariously sneaky! And, nope Dakota did NOT fall for it!

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