
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Ultrasound Results....

We are having a.......... BOY!!

Judah Eleazar Gray!!

Yesterday was spent at the docs and then having a 45 minute ultrasound. It was an awesome experience. I loved watching Judah moving around and being able to see every bone and organ! It was amazing! The other ultrasounds I've had have been pretty quick. Usually 15 minutes at most. So, this was a surprise at how long it took and how in depth they looked at everything. He is doing great! I surpassed all the docs expectations in all my screenings even though they consider me "elderly" since I'm pregnant at 42!! Thank you, Jesus!!

I have 18-20 weeks to go! Not much longer now! Judah will be here before we know it!

Hannah is a little bit disappointed. She wanted very much to have a little baby sister. You know, we do need to even things out a little bit. We'll have 4 boys and a girl! As my sister says, at least I got my girl! I'm pretty sure Hannah will be fine, once Judah gets here. She'll be so excited to have a baby in the house!

Now, it's time to go through baby clothes and other items and see what I'm needing for little Judah! Fun time!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me.

(The poll results showed that ya'll were thinking girl--64%)


  1. Hannah just needs to convince you that the next one will be a girl!

    Congratulations again! God is so good!


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