
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting Ready for Judah.....

We are having some teaching times to get Hannah and Caleb ready for Judah. I am teaching them how to hold him where they support his head, how to put a diaper on, and how to swaddle him in a receiving blanket. The main thing I'm trying to teach through these is how to handle him gently and watch to support his head at all times.

It's been funny (well, sort-of) to watch Caleb forget and pick the doll up by the head with his finger inside the eye socket--hehehe! Hopefully, after doing this for the next six weeks, he'll understand about supporting Judah's head and how gentle he needs to be with him.


  1. Too Sweet! Hannah has it down pat! Can't wait to see your new little man!

  2. YAY! I am so excited for your next addition to the family! :) I am glad all is going well according to schedule! And you will be in my prayers for your backache and belly button.

  3. Thank ya'll! We are so excited! Time is getting close!

    Courtney, thanks for the belly button is no longer hurting. My friend, Deanna laid hands on me one evening and prayed and I've not had pain since! YAY, Jesus!


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