
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I am currently 34 weeks. I saw my doctor on Tuesday. I am still having high blood pressure readings and am beginning to swell in my hands, legs, and feet. My doctor is concerned about what this is doing to Judah, so he has scheduled me for an ultrasound on Tuesday the 19th. The ultrasound will give us a biophysical profile of Judah. They are measuring several things and I don't know them all....the nurse said they would be things like breathing and movement, etc. He will get a score based on them. The highest is 8 out of 8. If Judah's score is low, I will go back on Wednesday for an appointment with the ultrasound doctor. Then he/she will consult with my ob-gyn about whether to induce labor and bring Judah into the world, early. If this happens, Judah will stay in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) until he is a healthy weight and his lung function is good.

We are believing (please pray and believe with us):

that my blood pressure will come back into the normal range
that I will stop spilling protein into my urine which is a sign of pre-eclampsia
that the swelling will stop
that Judah will stay in-utero until 37 weeks

Our God is a BIG God and he wants us to be healthy and whole! Is. 53:4-5 & Matt. 8:16-17

Thank you for your continued prayers for us!!!


  1. Amen! Amen! Judah will be a healthy baby and all will go according to God's plan! Praying for you ALL.

  2. Yes I am believing and praying with you! Thank you for the update, I had been checking your blog and getting a bit worried that there was not one (because you should update us daily you know ;)).

  3. Thank you Courtney and Tracy. And, sorry been too busy for many posts lately :0). But, I'll definitely keep you posted now!


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