
Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Pregnancy Update.....

Well, today has been an eventful day! On Saturday, I started feeling bad.....fatigued and out of breath more so than usual. Sunday it was worse and then today was still like Sunday. My mother-in-love, Esther came up to the house today to help me vacuum and do a few things for me (she's so thoughtful and sweet!). She told me to call my doc and let him know what was up....I didn't want to, so she said she wasn't leaving until I called him. So, I did. Of course, he wanted to see me, but did not want me to drive. So, my Father-in-love, Orval drove me, Hannah and Caleb to the doctor's office. He stayed in the waiting room with the kids while I saw the doctor. Dr. Jarrett was concerned about my symptoms. My lungs were clear, but the mucous development and the panting out-of-breath had him concerned. The only way to know if I was having pre-eclampsia symptoms or just coming down with a cold was to do blood work. It would be a couple of days before results were in, if he had the bloodwork done there, so he sent me to Labor & Delivery at the hospital for a complete work-up and fetal monitoring. He also told me that if the bloodwork came back that the symptoms were from pre-eclampsia that he would be delivering Judah tonight. So, off we went to the hospital. Oh, and in the midst of all of this I realized that I did NOT have my cell phone with me (of all the worst times for that to happen :0) ). I was able to use the doc's phone to call David and tell him to meet us at the hospital. We got to the hospital around 4:00ish. They admitted me and put us in a room in Labor and Delivery. David finally got there around 4:45. I was able to use his phone to call my mom, our pastor and another friend....then his phone began to beep--battery low.

Anyway....They took about 6-8 vials of blood at about 5:30. We got the results in a few minutes before shift change at 7:00 p.m. and all came out negative for pre-eclampsia. Yay, Jesus!!! My blood pressure was really high when I got there and they made me lay on my left side and told me that would help my pressure go down--I didn't know that! But, it did! I was 135/77 when they let us go home. The nurse called my doctor and told him that the monitors were picking up some contractions, so he had her check me for dilation and effacing. I am 50% effaced and dilated to a 1. No big deal at almost 35 weeks. I'm not feeling the contractions because of the blood pressure medicine I am on. Judah looked very well to the nurses on the monitors while we were there. So, all is well. Still have the Biophysical profile tomorrow. And, now a follow up doc appt. on Thursday. He said they'd be keeping a real close eye on me from now until Judah comes. They told us tonight at the hospital that if we can make it another week and a half (36 weeks), Judah would probably do very well. Another 3 weeks (38 weeks) and that would be fantastic.

I am so thankful that Jesus is watching over Judah and me! I was scared today thinking that he might need to be delivered tonight, knowing it's too early! The Lord really sustained me and kept me from worrying.

Please continue to pray with us! Thank you all!


  1. What a scare Dawn but AMEN that God is with you! Will continue to pray!
    So seet that you call your in-laws "in-loves". I feel the same about mine too!

  2. Thanks for your prayers, Tracey. My in-loves are the best ever! God has blessed me so much!

    Just saw some posts on your blog. I need to subscribe, so I know when you post. Your farm looks awesome! Love all your animals!


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