
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Judah Update

I had my doc appt. on Tuesday and another ultrasound for a biophysical profile of Judah. I have not changed as far as dilation and effacing are concerned--crazy, since I am sick and have been coughing a lot! I was surprised! But, that's good...he needs to come when he's ready and I sure don't want to deliver when I'm sick. He passed with flying colors again! 8 out of 8. It's getting crowded in there, though! :0)

We had trouble getting some good pictures of him on 3D. There has to be plenty of fluid around the object you are trying to see when looking in 3D and there's just much more of Judah than fluid.
Hand and foot--his hand is tucked under his chin

Open hand

Every day we are getting closer to his arrival. We can't wait, but are glad that he's not coming too early. We want him totally "done" at arrival--LOL!

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